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Turbulent times

Posted by
Chetan (Gurgaon, India) on 8 November 2018 in Documentary & Street and Portfolio.

Belief gives us strength. It has the power to allow us to stand and win against something that our mind would otherwise surrender to.
Yet, sometimes there is a choice that we need to make, between beliefs and facts. And polluting our rivers is one such belief, infact the most pressing one, that we should stand against
Captured at Yamuna ghat, Delhi.

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Instagram: http://instagram.com/chetanclicks

Life is so full of happenings, that we hardly notice as worthy.
Here is my attempt to share those moments.

My spotlight features

Annierita & Annisabelle from New Delhi & Belle Ile, India

Beautiful photo of a traditional scene. I like your photo so ... full of India. Annierita

8 Nov 2018 10:37am

@Annierita & Annisabelle: Thanks much. So glad you could relate to the pic.

Le Krop from Charenton-le-Pont, France

Peut-être que ça aide, la croyance, en un dieu, sûrement même, mais ça ne se décide pas, on ne choisit pas de croire ou pas, et moi, je ne crois pas, farouchement, à ça ; je préfère croire en l'être, en la force humaine, même si ça me semble trop souvent utopique.
Quand à cette photo, même avec les bémols racontés, je la trouve d'un équilibre et d'une sublime beauté : bravo ! *****

8 Nov 2018 11:51am

@Le Krop: Google didn't do a good job of translating this, but I gor your point. Thabka for taking out time to comment.

Existence Artistique from Angers, France


8 Nov 2018 1:29pm

Ralf Kesper from Fröndenberg, Germany

Beautiful, well captured image.

8 Nov 2018 2:07pm

Blikvanger from from, Belgium

Great photo with a good story!

8 Nov 2018 8:21pm

Jaya from Trieste, Italy

I don't see pollution in this moment. It's not a moment of belief but of harmony, of respect of life, of peace, of gratefulness. But, of course, you are right: exploiters are destroying Life.
A powerful & delicate image.

9 Nov 2018 11:27am

@Jaya: Thanks for taking out time to write. There is no pollution in this moment here, but I wanted to point to practices like submerging idols made of plaster of paris, colored with chemical based paints, and other such harmful practices.

Marjolein from Westvoorne, Netherlands

The surrender for religion is so fascinating to see
This is an offering ?

9 Nov 2018 1:46pm

@Marjolein: Yes. And many Hindu's do this daily. Its a unique experience to see people, even in the winters of December, praying half submerged in the rivers.

omid from mashhad, Iran

such beautiful angle, composition & colors!
Amazing shot.

11 Nov 2018 8:27pm

~~~Ann~~~ from Nelson, New Zealand

A powerful story. You speak of faith and facts. Closely related to that is the distinctions between faith and belief, I found this view helpful.

19 Nov 2018 11:42pm

Susy from Allentown, PA, United States

Very powerful! Such an intensely serious problem. Our connections to the spiritual waters is rift with dangerous exposure to chemicals. So sad. Tremendous problem.

18 Jan 2019 1:14am

This image has been featured in 2 Remix collections.

"simple" by Jaya

Presence by Jaya